The Sibillini-Europa Virtual School 2024 (Ukraine edition) will be the initial step in the Sibillini-Europa Series on European Integration 1 . The school will provide students with the opportunity of deepening their understanding of the European Union, not only by introducing them to the foundations and functioning of the EU legal body and institutions, but also by providing with the nuts and bolts for understanding and analysing contemporary EU’s policy challenges and dilemmas.

In particular the Sibillini-Europa Virtual School 2024 (Ukraine edition) will bring together students from Italy and students from Ukraine, in the aim of fostering peer-to-peer contamination and dialogue over the issues relating to contemporary Europe and the process for Ukraine’s accession to the EU.

The Sibillini-Europa Virtual School 2024 (Ukraine edition) is conceived as a guided ‘virtual exchange’ between Italian and Ukrainian students. After attending some introductory lectures, the students will be asked to attend some lectures and seminars on specific areas of EU policies. (See the Programme)

The seminar will require students to work in pairs or groups (see below: Syllabus. Second Part). At the end of the programme, each pair will be asked to produce and deliver an output (podcast/OpEd/journal/reflection paper) based on the reflections developed throughout the course.


The school will consist of 16 contact-hours and 9 non-contact hours [est. 1 ECTS].

Participation in the Virtual School will be considered as an added value (with extra points)in the selection procedure for the admission to the 2024 edition of the Sibillini-Europa Summer School.


First Part – The European Union and its impact on domestic constitutional law. An introduction

The first part of the programme will address the foundations and functioning of the EU (first day) with a focus on the impact of the EU on domestic constitutional law (second day). This part will hence delve into the legal framework within which EU policies and programmes evolve and will set the stage to the second part.

Second Part – EU policies

The second part of the programme will be dedicated to four areas of EU policy which are of particular relevance for Ukraine, both because of recent developments and transformations faced by the country, and the prospective discussions in view of Ukraine’s status as a candidate to EU Accession granted on 23 June 2022. This part will combine lectures and seminars. Lectures will provide the students with general concepts and insights into EU policies, while in the seminars the students will be required to engage directly with such topics from the policymaker/decision-maker perspective. To this end the students will be guided through the analysis and discussion of case studies by lecturers and instructors. In this framework, the students will be asked to formulate and prepare policy advise and positions to be presented during the seminar.


The Sibillini-Europa Virtual School 2024 aims at:

a) giving to Ukrainian and Italian students a holistic theoretical view of the European Union (its history, functioning, institutions, legal acts and accession criteria) and its impact on the domestic constitutional law of EU candidate countries and EU member states;

b) allowing them to get the knowledge to frame EU policies playing as policy advisors to the EU policymaker. These skills are essential for professions both within EU Member States (like Italy) and EU candidate countries and future Member States (like Ukraine). At the end of the course the students will be asked to deliver a final output that reflects the elaboration of their learning journey (podcast/OpEd/journal/reflection paper).


The Sibillini-Europa Virtual School will be held online in English. It will combine lectures and seminars. These exercises are meant to bring the students to reflect critically on the complexity of EU policymaking, after learning the normative framework in which such practice hinge.


Italian students can complete the application form at this LINK